walk with me
an ordinary person living and struggling in this ordinary yet tormenting world.
behind that cool facade
hides a messed up soul
walk with me an ordinary person living and struggling in this ordinary yet tormenting world. shouts and so they flew x[DANIEL]x x[PRINCESS SARA]x x[BRANDA]x x[GOLDIE]x x[SHIHUI]x x[GRACE]x x[ALOY]x x[DARYL]x x[SAMUEL]x x[SHARON]x x[HUIXIAN]x x[XIAOFANG]x x[JOVIN]x x[MAS]x x[JENA]x x[REBECCA]x x[ATIQAH]x x[RUBY]x x[AYU]x x[HAN THI]x x[BERT]x x[HAZLAN]x x[MANSUR]x x[KENKEN]x x[DAMIEN]x x[DAPH]x x[ELISA]x x[CRESSILDA]x x[JESLIN MEI]x x[KRISTIN SUN NU]x x[VICTORIA]x x[SERENA]x x[ZHENYING]x x[ZAHRA]x applause Editor:heartbreak. Basecodes:exquisite. Colour codes:corsages Icon:threemoresteps Blockquote codes:%PURPUR.black- 12/01/2004 - 01/01/2005 03/01/2005 - 04/01/2005 05/01/2005 - 06/01/2005 09/01/2005 - 10/01/2005 11/01/2005 - 12/01/2005 05/01/2006 - 06/01/2006 06/01/2006 - 07/01/2006 07/01/2006 - 08/01/2006 08/01/2006 - 09/01/2006 09/01/2006 - 10/01/2006 10/01/2006 - 11/01/2006 11/01/2006 - 12/01/2006 12/01/2006 - 01/01/2007 01/01/2007 - 02/01/2007 02/01/2007 - 03/01/2007 03/01/2007 - 04/01/2007 04/01/2007 - 05/01/2007 05/01/2007 - 06/01/2007 06/01/2007 - 07/01/2007 07/01/2007 - 08/01/2007 08/01/2007 - 09/01/2007 09/01/2007 - 10/01/2007 10/01/2007 - 11/01/2007 11/01/2007 - 12/01/2007 12/01/2007 - 01/01/2008 01/01/2008 - 02/01/2008 02/01/2008 - 03/01/2008 03/01/2008 - 04/01/2008 04/01/2008 - 05/01/2008 05/01/2008 - 06/01/2008 06/01/2008 - 07/01/2008 07/01/2008 - 08/01/2008 08/01/2008 - 09/01/2008 09/01/2008 - 10/01/2008 10/01/2008 - 11/01/2008 11/01/2008 - 12/01/2008 12/01/2008 - 01/01/2009 01/01/2009 - 02/01/2009 02/01/2009 - 03/01/2009 03/01/2009 - 04/01/2009 04/01/2009 - 05/01/2009 05/01/2009 - 06/01/2009 06/01/2009 - 07/01/2009 11/01/2009 - 12/01/2009 10/01/2010 - 11/01/2010 11/01/2010 - 12/01/2010 Friday, February 20, 2009 everytime i wishes to blog,im lost for words. have been really affected by goldie for the past few daes. tinkin bac on wat i did n wat u did. tinkin bac on wat happened in e past. tis definitely isnt e outcome i wanted if i had a chance again, mayb i'll try to b strong n hold u back mayb i'll try to b strong n wait for u to change mayb.... but all these mayb wil not come animore. it had alr ended.so long. u always apologizes to me for wat uve done no apologizes is needed. but to me,u once told me how impt i was to u how special i was to u. if i really am tat special n impt, den y did u do wat u did. tho we remained s frens,its hurting. its even more contradicting when i have to go up to ur hse its contradicting on e dae of cny when i was dere n ur gf was dere s wel. its hard.really hard. to remain s frens wif u. even entering e room tat i was once/stil am so familiar wif is heart wrenching. i stil rmb wat clothes u have i stil rmb wat clothes u lyk to wear to slp i stil rmb how i make e bed for e both of us i stil rmb so mani more tings. sumone whom i had once tot to b e one disappointed me. if onli im able to trust u all over again.... all these words came out unknowingly. all e best to u.i wun wish u happiness wif ur current/future gf. but i wil wan u to b safe n sound..
Monday, February 16, 2009 okok. here comes a normal post ok. lol. was sick for nearly a wk. went to drink wif xiangfei n his frens coz it was his fren's bdae. rasa sentosa resort shangri la at sentosa. deluxe suite. quite nice wif a balcony tat u cn see e whole siloso beach. was enjoyin n al. playin games. u noe those games u play when u drink? ya. haha. but his fren's gf wasnt feelin veh well n we saboh his fren to drink wine. he cun take it. so we stopped e game. tats when i started havin fever. f man. felt warm. den i tot mayb coz i drink or coz im wearin a jacket. so dint spare much tot abt it. in e end? fever. xiangfei had to tkc of me tru out e night. LOLS. nxt mrn went hm,slept almost e whole dae. fever dint go awae. went to e doc early mon mrn. zzz.... fever subsided n on wed when i wanted to go sku,my eye swelled. wtf. so in e end whole wk nv go sku. zzzzzzzz. yea. tho i juz recovered,i nv forget to play. hahaha. cooped up at hm for almost a wk noe! wil die. so goldie n i went to dbl o! thurs night. i paid for vretin. haha. e other tym she paid. now i pay. XD dint even get veh high. was at a ok stage onli. got hm in e mrn,too tired to go sku. =x 不知会呆在这个歇息站多久。或则应该说,这个歇息站会在这里多久。不敢去想太多,就这样吧。。。
Saturday, February 14, 2009 你说我不该,不该在这时候后说了我爱你 要怎么证明我没有说谎的力气 请告诉我,暂停算不算放弃 我只有,只有那一天的回忆。。。。
跟我很熟的朋友就会了,我是一个很热爱华文的人。所以不只为何,心血来潮的想用华文。这几天的心情都不是很好。生了一场病。也让我特别的累,虚脱。。。 曾在朋友的博客看见他自己亲自写的这段稿: 不是不相信愛,也不是不敢去愛,而是愛了,又如何? 很多東西不是付出多少,就有多少回報,因為感情不是一種交易... 只是看伱願意花多少時間,心血和努力去賭.. 有人輸了自信,有人輸了方向,也有人輸了自我的靈魂.. 沉溺在酒精的夜裡,思念分不開也離不去... 用生命體驗速度的刺激...彷彿在跟死神飆車... 一個彎接著一個彎,但始終看不見終點... 忘了怎麼去愛,慢慢在心裡建起一層厚厚的保護色.. 也不敢渴望自己值得任何人來愛.. 開始一個人逛街,一個人吃飯,一個人承受漫長的失眠夜.. 害怕入睡醒來後..只是一場虛幻的夢.. 在好朋友面前,帶著一張面具,深怕自己的心情影響別人.. 不允許自己脆弱的一面,讓身邊重要的人看見.. 因為怕別人為自己擔心.. 那是男人的悲哀,只因為男人的肩膀是如此沉重.. 空空蕩蕩的房間裡,只剩下孤獨和寂寞的回憶.. 心痛了,是因真心愛過,卻再也沒有挽留的勇氣.. 放手了,是因為在他的面前,妳是幸福微笑著.. 接受是殘酷的,但別無選擇.. 只能拖著自己的腳步,忍住疼痛,一步一步向前走.. 雖然偶爾會無頭緒著看著手機裡那遙遠又熟悉的號碼.. 卻只能期望哪天能從朋友口中聽到妳的消息或在路上偶然相遇.. 少了愛的天空,生活真的變的好灰好灰,原來一個人真的會走到好累好累.. 一个人真的很累。。。有时很想哭,可是眼泪怎么都流不出。那种感觉很不好。。像胸口有什么啃着一样。非常难受。。同一个朋友说过,去夜店的人有很多种。有想得到一夜情的,也有許多失落的靈魂想要暫時逃避現實。。我正属于失落的那一种。 所以啊,无论任何时候,想找我去夜店,放胆的来问我。我一定去。 因为我已经不知道自己还活着像个行尸走肉般,有着什么意义了。。。。。 我走的好累,好想找个歇息站。可又有任何人让我依靠的吗?
Friday, February 13, 2009 how i wish tym cud juz stop or rather,let my lyf come to an end. its really tiring having to sae 'nvm' when u wish e person to noe wat ure tinkin n do sumtin abt it. sumtyms u wish e person to b more sensitive but oh wells,hes not.n u dun wish to force him to change. its contradicting how u wish tat person to utd u n do tings to make u feel beta but at e same tym u dun wish tat person to do sumtin not out of own will. its irony when u have to tink abt 'is he realli e one?' or 'r we really suitable?' when u r feelin nice abt him. its hurting when e other party doesnt feel e same for u n its hard havin to pretend 'nvm im ok' n continue walking on its dumb its foolish its silly many a tyms when u try to b rational but u juz feel lyk tryin for a bit more... risk having nth in e end...
Thursday, February 05, 2009 its tiring havin to put a smile on ur face when u dun feel lyk it at al its tiring havin to sae 'im ok' when ure not at al its tiring havin to sae 'go to slp' when deres nth else u cud do its tiring havin to run awae,hide,al e emotions its tiring havin to lead ur lyf s usual when u dun feel lyk doin it at al its tiring havin to live in tis world full of torments... n u have to tel urself 'its growing process'. drained.tired. cn i juz fal aslp here right now n nv wake up?