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behind that cool facade
hides a messed up soul
walk with me

an ordinary person living and struggling in this ordinary yet tormenting world.


Monday, December 25, 2006

hehe..todae xmas le. ytd was xmas eve wor. spent e eve wif my dar. though i made him cnt play for long. sians. coz i not feelin wel halfwae. den he gotta stop playin. >.< nvm..


Thursday, December 21, 2006

hais.. its been more than half hr since he last smsed me. my dar i mean. we were mapling. coz veh lag,so we dcided to go bathe. den i come bac,i train my panda. he tot i haven bathe. den i told him i bathed. den he sae he haven coz his gong gong not feelin wel. den his mummy wna send his gong gong go hosp. den he go bathe. sae come bac tel me how le. but he go for 20mins oso haven come bac.so i smsed him ask him is he stil bathin. he sae 'dno la.later tel u k.'. den after sum tym he off9 w/o tellin me. den til now oso haven contact me. sians.. i noe i shun worry so much. bcoz he wil b fine bcoz hes not e one feelin uncomfortable. but.. its juz.. 'dno wat he doin' u noe? n wats more,dno his gong gong how le..... dno anitin. >.< i cnt n i dun wna sms him. in case hes busy. sians.... tryin to divert my attention to my novels. but.. it dun seem to work.. HAIS. *hope he contact me real SOON* i cn onli wait................................

Monday, December 18, 2006

122TH DAY----

alright. its e 122th dae tat ive been geta wif my dar. DANIEL NG JUN RONG. 4th month. soso much happened in tis 4mths. quarrels. laughters. tickles. care n concern. all. everything. n of coz,e misery is durin e quarrels. when we both juz cun get tings tru to each other or when both start gettin irritated n tings get outta control. even to e stage of nearly no return. but stil,we MANAGED to stay geta. wel.. in one's lyf. we come across mani diff tings n ppl. its juz abt how we treat ppl n how dey treat us. n on e dae,180806,i met tis guy.whom i knew 2yrs ago.but wasnt realli in contact.we knew each other on 150304.n i rmb wat happened on tat dae.movie wif cherylteo n marvinquek n him.n i stil rmbed wat i said abt him.ha.whu noes...2yrs later.arnd e 14th of aug i tink,we contacted back.bcoz of FAST AND FURIOUS.TOKYO DRIFT.ha.tats how we got bac into contact.n tings went so well..smsed durin lessons.he called me too.tings juz go well...den we dcided to mit out one dae.to see how each other r doin n to take a walk geta.ha.n we met up wif his cousin n his gf.n...gradually his cousin n his gf became e mei po.n we got geta on e 18th.180806.tings were so good so sweet in e bginning.well..al of us noe one ting for sure. startin of a r/s r always so good n so sweet eh. how i miss al tat. n now.. s tym passes,we got used to vretin.realli vretin.n bcoz of our family situation,we cnt go out often.nvm.we stayed indoors...n of coz.. quarrels do happen.b it small arguments or big fights.al happened.i rmbed wat he said 'ppl haven quarrel abt de,we quarrel ovr it alr.ppl quarrel ovr it alr,we oso quarrel le.vretin quarrel bfore le.' dere blamin each other..vreting..haha..n of coz happy moments do happen too. im his KOALA BEAR n hes my TREE. n he piggybacking me is our KOALA AIRWAYS. n im e ONLI passenger for tis airline. haha.

dar..i noe we always quarrel.b it is ovr wat.but we managed to come to 4th month.its not long n its not short. 122 daes. its a kind of fate tat we cn b geta. so y waste e chance,waste e destiny n fate eh. no matter quarrel how mani tyms. how worse tings r at tat tym. i stil blieve in one ting. we control our emotions n not our emotions control us. but stil,said easier than done i noe. once came to n agreement tat we wil tok nicely.but in e end oso wil quarrel. lol. NVM. we juz hafta stick firm to our feelins. yes,quarrels make us tink tat we juz wna leave each other n take a breather or sumting. but i nv leaves. y? i dun wna do sumtin tat mayb i myself in e future wil regret. if out of a moment of 'i wna leave,i cnt stand it.' n leave. den when we cool dwn. we mite come to regret wat we have done. so we gotta stay firm to our feelins. no matter how worse tings is. do not make a dcision tat wil cause us to regret in e future. i love you. i wna spend moments wif u. u noe? wat we gotta do after gettin our pay? yea.. gna njoy ok. i love you. muahhs. =D

frens outdere whu is readin tis. tis is ddicated to al my frens. SARALIM.BRANDALOH.TEOSHIHUI.CALLYCHUA.CHENXIAOWEI.GOLDIEDENG.ALICIALOH.
n mani others whu r close to me.yesyes.GRACEYEO.sumone whu has been dere for me for 13yrs.yesyes,busy wif our own lyfs.but we nv forget each other's existance.n to al my frens outdere. I MISS YOU AL. SOSO MUCH. i read xiaowei,branda,shihui,goldie n sara's blog everydae.to noe wat u al have been up to vredae. SEE. I CARE OK. *BLEAHS*. xiaowei,uve been so busy eh.i shall wait for u to get bac ur simcard n get back wif u eh.branda n shihui r havin so much fun vredae at work. sara r havin fun gettin along wif her family n other frens. goldie is havin fun ovr at dubai. awww.. e onli ppl i dno abt is cally n alicia. no blog no nth. guess dey r both workin. aww.. n mani other frens. those i haven mentioned. sorry. but i stil misses u al s much oks. aww... now even if i have e tym to mit my frens,dey arent free either. >.<. NVM. I MISS U AL. ITS E HEART TAT COUNTS. heh.

to al my frens,i misses u al. plspls.. rmb e tyms we spent. PEPPER LUNCHES.NEOPRINTS.STEAMBOAT.MARCHE.n for grace,e incident whereby my mum ran faster than u? ha. yesyes. plspls remember al these. n most imptly. NOE TAT I MISSES U AL. =D

*ps* guess if my dar reads tis. he wil b 'o.0' or sumtin lyk tat. haha..

Friday, December 15, 2006

oks.. shall post sum photos den.

latest pic?
me n my dar. he go weddin dner.
hehe.. e SEAL my dar gif mi. XD
US. =D

HEHE.. change blogskin again.. nth to do las.. so change lor.. haha.. my daes have been e same.. same old routine evrydae.. CN I HAVE SUMTIN DIFFERENT? lols.~